Monday, May 13, 2013

The Power of Touch

This is about antique people.
On Mother's Day my husband and I journeyed to the home where his 89 year old mother is now residing.  It is a small, picturesque site in the country.  The main house was hosting refreshments and a d.j. with karaoke.  It got rather lively.  Some patients sang, some danced, some were danced with at their seats or in their wheelchairs.  Music and dance stimulates the brain and heart into regular rhythms that their bodies once had naturally.  A little caffeine helped too.  There was one family of several siblings that sang really well together.  The grandchildren rattled a tambourine now and then.  Their mother/grandmother obviously recognized their melodic voices.
We brought along a soft gray kitten.  You can't help but smile when you see or touch a kitten.  She got quite a work out being passed from lap to lap.  The caretakers were in on it too.  It stimulated lots of conversation about cats once owned and loved but not forgotten.
After leaving there we stopped back by the Antique Gallery to take a few pictures of the kitten posed with items in my own booth.  Well, I was overwhelmed with on-lookers.  Then a couple caught my eye as they passed by.  She was holding tightly to his arm and her eyes starred ahead.  I asked him if she might like to see the kitten and his response was to put his hand in front of her face to indicate that she couldn't "see".  I placed her hand on the kitten and asked, "Would you like to look at the kitten?"  Her entire face lit up. 
As I ran her hand over the kitten and around its foot she cooed, "Oh, she's sooo tiny.  So soft."
I hope that her husband or partner will always remember to help her see the world.

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